Technology is innovative and ever-evolving.
Shouldn’t your legal advice be as well?

Technology is innovative and ever-evolving.
Shouldn’t your legal advice be as well?

There’s a space, growing ever larger, where business, technology and markets meet policy, law and regulation. It is in this space that Macmillan Keck is most at home. It’s a space in which we excel.

We combine a small team’s personal dedication with world class lawyering staffed only by seasoned professionals. We are a law firm driven by the aspirational…while firmly grounded in the practical.

Meet the Team

Our Practice

Our Practice

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Data protection

Digital Financial Service (DFS)

Electronic health and education

Other digital content

Applications and services

Digital ID systems

Artificial Intelligence (AI)


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Regulatory reform


Commercial transactions

Passive and active infrastructure

Infrastructure sharing

Spectrum management


Dispute resolution


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Market reviews

Merger control


Cartel prohibitions

Abuse of dominance




Regulatory reforms


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Drafting laws and regulations: ICT, data protection, digital ID, e-commerce…

Competition market reviews

State restructuring for a digital economy

Regulation reform: telecom infrastructure and services


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Effective competition law enforcement

Shared investment and competition (ex: submarine cable landing station structuring)

Regulatory framework reform to improve investment, innovation and competition

New business launch in an uncertain regulatory environment


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Negotiating mergers, acquisitions, financings & commercial transactions

Ensuring stakeholder buy-in for (government) reforms

Advocating for firms subject to such reforms


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Counsel in a litigation

Mediator between disputing parties

Arbitrator in arbitrations

Expert witness in a dispute

Our work around the world

We have executed complex projects on every continent, ranging from G-20 countries to remote locations where others have never dreamed of working.

80% of the work is knowledge of the subject matter…only 20% is local context. Our work is international because where we excel is in the subject matter.

-Richard Keck

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MK Placeholder

Regional bodies & multi-national projects

  • Designing and establishing a regional leniency program for the COMESA Competition Commission and Member States
  • Advising COMESA Competition Commission on reform of its regional anti-cartel framework
  • Advising COMESA Competition Commission reform of its merger control regime, including drafting merger guidelines, rules and amendments to the Competition Regulations

  • Advising the EAC
  • Competition Authority on reforms to its regional merger control regime

  • Advising EAC Advising World Bank on policies to promote digital economic integration in East Africa and the Horn of Africa, including assessing digital ID, data protection, electronic transactions, cyber crimes and cyber security legal frameworks in each country, EAC and COMESA and recommending measures to support harmonisation of legal frameworks and removal of barriers to cross-border digital economic activity
  • Assessing legal frameworks of each country, EAC and COMESA to support a proposed regional cross-border interoperability scheme for digital financial services
  • Conducting a feasibility and options analysis to assess potential use of excess capacity in the West African Power Pool (WAPP) fiber network to aid in developing an integrated and open backbone fiber optic network serving all major population centers and cable landing stations in the ECOWAS region.
  • Advising WAPP member utilities on considerations and an action plan for market entry and on forming a regional dark fiber leasing consortium.
  • Drafting regional legal instruments and model legislation for a regional digital ID system in the OECS
  • Drafting detailed briefing papers for publication by UNCDF on the legal, regulatory and policy enablers of digital ID and electronic transactions, data protection, cybersecurity, cross-border data flows, broadband policy, competition, consumer protection and fair access to communications channels
  • Conducting study on merchant discount rates and interchange in mobile payments for CGAP
  • Developing World Bank’s ID4D Legal and Regulatory Enabling Environment Assessment (IDEEA) and related Guidance Note, a methodology and toolkit document to guide assessments of data protection legal and regulatory frameworks in developing countries and their readiness to support national ID programs
  • Developing Cross-Sector Infrastructure Toolkit for the World Bank, including comprehensive analysis of opportunities and challenges faced by utilities and telecom network operators in sharing infrastructure, recommended solutions to realize opportunities and address challenges and 18 individual case studies

The digital revolution can be found everywhere. So can we.

Landmark cases