Our new world needs new thinking.
We’re doing our part.
Our new world needs new thinking.
We’re doing our part.
We have published on numerous topics in telecommunications, privacy and data protection, digital financial services, digital financial services, competition, dispute resolution, broadcasting, information technology, electronic commerce, privatization and developing country matters.
Browse publications below or select them by author
Publications by Rory Macmillan
“Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: Emerging Legal and Self-Regulatory Considerations – Competition Implications of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning”
A Report by the American Bar Association’s Section of Antitrust, Part Two, February 2022
“Common Issues Relating to the Digital Economy and Competition”
Report of the International Developments and Comments Task Force on Positions Expressed by the ABA Antitrust Law Section between 2017 and 2019, February 2020
“Procedural innovation in competition law for small economies”
Chapter 15 of Competition and Regulation for Inclusive Growth in Southern Africa, ed Klaaren, J., Roberts, S. & Valodia, I. (Jacana Media), 2019
“Regulation of Cross-Border Non-Bank Remittances in the Philippines-Malaysia Corridor”
Co-authored with [Rory Macmillan/Jason Blechman – as appropriate], 2019
“Big data, machine learning, consumer protection and privacy”
Report of the Trust Workstream of the Financial Inclusion Global Initiative, 2019
“Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning: Emerging Legal and Self-Regulatory Considerations”
A Report by the American Bar Association’s Section of Antitrust, Part One, September 2019
“A New Deal: Investing in our common future Policy recommendations to close the broadband gap”
Report of the Expert Group to the Broadband Commission, February 2018
“Driving financial inclusion through mobile financial services in Bangladesh: A role for mobile network operators”
co-authored with Jason Blechman, September 2016
“Connectivity, Openness and Vulnerability: Challenges facing Regulators”
ITU Trends 2009
“Connectivity, Openness and Vulnerability: Challenges facing Regulators”
Presentation to ITU Global Symposium for Regulators 2009
“Dispute Resolution in the Telecommunications Sector: Current Practice and Future Directions”
co-authored with Robert Bruce, Hank Intven et al, prepared for the World Bank and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and presented to the Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR)
“Reflections on Regulation and Dispute Resolution in the Indian Telecommunications Sector”
Journal of Indian Law Institute
“Effective Dispute Resolution: A Pressing Priority for Policy-Makers and Regulators”
ITU News
“Telecommunications in Crisis: Perspectives of the Financial Sector on Regulatory Impediments to Sustainable Investment”
with Robert Bruce, presented to the ITU GSR and published on the ITU’s regulatory site
“Denmark: Beyond Disputes and Consensus Building”
with Robert Bruce, published on the ITU’s regulatory site
“Jordan: Dispute Resolution and Consensus Building in Interconnection”
with Robert Bruce, published on the ITU’s regulatory site
“The Malaysian Access Forum as an Initiative in Self-Regulation and Consensus Building“
with Robert Bruce, published on the ITU’s regulatory site
“Botswana: Recent Experience with Interconnection Disputes”
with Robert Bruce, published on the ITU’s regulatory site
“India: Dealing with Interconnection and Access Deficit Contributions in a Multi-carrier Environment”
with Robert Bruce, published on the ITU’s regulatory site.
“Key Findings from ITU Interconnection Dispute Settlement Mini-Case Studies”
with Robert Bruce, published on the ITU’s regulatory site
“Telecommunications Reform in the Eastern Mediterranean: Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria”
Middle East & North Africa Business Guide 2001/2002
“Jordan” chapter
Middle East & North Africa Business Guide 2001/2002
“Lebanon” chapter
Middle East & North Africa Business Guide 2001/2002
“Syria” chapter
Middle East & North Africa Business Guide 2001/2002
“New Lease of Life for Bondholder Councils”
Financial Times, personal view column (1995)
“The Next Sovereign Debt Crisis”
Stanford Journal of International Law (1995): analysis of new practical problems facing investors and developing countries in rescheduling defaulted sovereign bonds. The problems first identified in this paper and subsequently borne out by the Mexican, South-East Asian, Russian and Ecuadorian debt crises are now the subject of intense policy-making by the IMF and G-10 countries.
“Towards a Sovereign Debt Work-Out System”
Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business (1996): proposal for a workable market-based sovereign debt restructuring mechanism. Appearing in a symposium issue containing articles by leading experts on emerging market debt.
Publications by Richard Keck
“Joint venture agreements: part 18 – planning for disputes”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, February 2012
“Joint venture agreements: part 16 – duties of confidentiality and loyalty”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, January 2012
“Joint venture agreements: part 16 – duties of confidentiality and loyalty”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, December 2011
“Joint venture agreements: part 15 – ending the JV”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, November 2011
“Joint venture agreements: part 14 – involuntary expulsion of a JV party”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, October 2011
“Joint venture agreements: part 13 – voluntary JV party comings and goings”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, September 2011
“Joint venture agreements: part 12 – JV party services and intellectual property”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, May 2011
“Joint venture agreements: part 11 – counting and distributing the beans”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, April 2011
“Joint venture agreements: part 10 – Board of directors”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, February 2011
“Joint venture agreements: part 9 – family meetings and decision-making”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, December 2010
“Joint venture agreements: part 8 – coding the DNA for the JVCo”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, November 2010
“Joint venture agreements: part 7 – prenatal care for the JVCo and its parents”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, October 2010
“Reevaluating the Rural Electrification Administration: A New Deal for the Taxpayer”
The National Agricultural Law Center, October 2010 (originally published in Environmental Law, 1985)
“Joint venture agreements: part 6 – when the money runs out”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, September 2010
“Joint venture agreements: part 5 – follow the money”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, July/August 2010
“Joint venture agreements: part 4 – establishing the JVCo”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, June 2010
“Joint venture agreements: part 3 – the premise, title and plot”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, April 2010
“Joint venture agreements: part 2 – introducing the characters and setting the scene”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, March 2010
“Joint venture agreements in project development and finance: part 1 – an introduction”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, February 2010
“Reaping benefits and managing risks from lending to public utilities”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, October 2009
“Instalment payments in spectrum auctions and telecom privatisations”
Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, September 2009
“Telecommunications Consumer Data: A Privacy Update”
co-authored with Duane Morris Alert, March 2, 2009
“Digital Television Conversion Update”
co-authored with Duane Morris Alert, February 11, 2009
“Telecom and Broadcast Policy Under the Obama Administration”
co-authored with Duane Morris Alert, January 22, 2009
“Massachusetts Extends Compliance Deadline on New Information Security Rules Applying to Unsuspecting Businesses”
co-authored with Duane Morris Alert, November 18, 2008
“Red Flag’ Identity Theft Rules Apply to Unsuspecting Businesses; FTC Extends Compliance Deadline”
co-authored with Duane Morris Alert, October 30, 2008
“Massachusetts Forces Businesses to Implement Sweeping Information Security Measures by January 1, 2009”
co-authored with Duane Morris Alert, October 14, 2008
“Red Flag Rules May Snare Unsuspecting Businesses”
co-authored with Duane Morris Alert, September 16, 2008
“Feds Force Businesses to Implement Identity Theft Prevention Measures by Fall 2008”
co-authored with Duane Morris Alert, July 30, 2008
“World Telecom Law Report”
BNA, Advisory Board, 1997-present
“TSR Prerecorded Call Prohibition and Call Abandonment Standard Modification”
Comments of Silverlink Communications, Inc. and Eliza Corporation, before the Federal Trade Commission, Washington D.C., December 2006
“Beware Gridlock: A New Era in Computer Sharing Is Here. Are You Ready?”
co-author, Business Law Today, March/April 2004
“Disruptive Technologies and the Evolution of the Law”
Supercomm, June 2003
“A Lawyer’s Checklist for Distributed Computing Projects”
Project Co-Chair, Subcommittee on Connectivity, Storage and Computing Infrastructure, Cyberspace Law Committee, ABA Business Law Section, Version 1.0, January 2003
“Clicked, Sent, Saved, I’m Yours! – Electronic Records and Signatures Laws”
co-author, TechLINKS, November/December 2002
“Bioethical Issue: Who Owns Spider Man?”
TechLINKS, September/October 2002
“Taxing Web Sales”
TechLINKS, July/August 2002
“Broadband for Everyone”
TechLINKS, May/June 2002
“Protecting Our Civil Liberties in the Face of Terrorism”
TechLINKS, March/April 2002
“Database Protection – Making Georgia a Magnet for Knowledge Economy Business”
TechLINKS, January/February 2002
“Of Misappropriated Manure Heaps, Rude Robots and Broken Promises: The (D)evolving Law of Database Protection”
The Business Lawyer, November 2001
“Tax the Net?”
Bill Shipp’s Georgia, May 2000
“Electronic Commerce Primer for the Georgia General Assembly”
Georgia Electronic Commerce Study Committee and Georgia Electronic Commerce Association, March 2000
“Model Electronic Transmission Services Agreement”
Project Chair, Communications Industries and Cyberspace Law Committees, ABA Business Law Section, Working Draft, January 1999
“Proposed Amendments to the Georgia Electronic Records and Signatures Act”
Georgia Electronic Commerce Association, September 1998
“Doing Business in Cyberspace”
International Business and the Law (Troutman Sanders LLP), Summer 1998
“Defining the Regulatory Arena: An Annotated Glossary of the Telecommunications Act of 1996”
Telecommunications Law, Regulation and Policy (American Bar Association), 1998
“Recognition of Executory Contracts Formed by Electronic Communications”
Cyber News (ABA Business Law Section), Spring 1998
“Liberalization of Asian Telecom Markets”
World Telecom Law Report, BNA September, October, November 1997, January 1998.
Publications by Jason Blechman
“Regulation of Cross-Border Non-Bank Remittances in the Philippines-Malaysia Corridor”
Co-authored with [Rory Macmillan/Jason Blechman – as appropriate], 2019
“Mobile Credit in Kenya and Tanzania: Emerging Regulatory Challenges in Consumer Protection, Credit Reporting and Use of Customer Transactional Data”
The African Journal of Information and Communication (AJIC), Issue 17, November 2016
“Driving financial inclusion through mobile financial services in Bangladesh: A role for mobile network operators”
co-authored with Rory Macmillan, September 2016
“Massachusetts Extends Compliance Deadline on New Information Security Rules Applying to Unsuspecting Businesses”
co-authored with Richard Keck and Duane Morris Alert, November 18, 2008
“Red Flag’ Identity Theft Rules Apply to Unsuspecting Businesses; FTC Extends Compliance Deadline”
co-authored with Richard Keck and Duane Morris Alert, October 30, 2008
“Massachusetts Forces Businesses to Implement Sweeping Information Security Measures by January 1, 2009”
co-authored with Richard Keck and Duane Morris Alert, October 14, 2008
“Red Flag Rules May Snare Unsuspecting Businesses”
co-authored with Richard Keck and Duane Morris Alert, September 16, 2008
“Feds Force Businesses to Implement Identity Theft Prevention Measures by Fall 2008”
co-authored with Richard Keck and Duane Morris Alert, July 30, 2008
“Competition dynamics in mobile money markets in Tanzania”
Co-authored with Simon Robers and Faith Odhiambo, 2017
Publications by Lale Tuzmen Aktas
“The US FTC settles allegations that a real-time communications platform (…)”
e-Competitions Antitrust Case Laws e-Bulletin, November 2020
“Autonomous Vehicles – “It’s all about you!” – The integration of biometrics into autonomous vehicles”
co-authored, November 2019
Publications by Christina Heliotis
Five Things you need to know about the EC Proposal for the Regulation of AI
Athens Legal Hackers, February 2022
Proposal for a Tax Rate Swap to shield against the Gap between Statutory and Effective Tax Rates. A boost for entrepreneurship and a motive for new investments, Journal of Management Studies
(co-authored with Nansy Karali and Nikos Mpelesis), May 2021, DOI:10.17265/2328-2185/2021.02.005
Data brokers under the spotlight: A commentary on the ICO vs Experian case
International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), 2021
From digitization to digital transformation: A case for online courts in commercial disputes?
Will Privacy be the Next ESG Frontier for Institutional Investors?
Doing Business in the European Union 2020: Greece, Italy and Ireland
Ireland World Bank Group, 2020, (co-authored with Doing Business team)